Významné publikace:
Kapitoly v kolektivních monografiích:
Vendra, Maria Cristina Clorinda, “Paul Ricœur’s Phenomenological Diagnostic of the Body: Being Corporally Situated in the Socio-Historical World,” in: Savage, Roger (ed.), Ricœur and the Lived Body(Lanham: Lexington Books, 2019) (accepted and forthcoming). –, “Reshaping Social Justice: Paul Ricœur’s and Luc Boltanski’s Dialectic of Love and Justice in the Age of Globalization,” in: Dierckxsens, Geoffrey (ed.), The Ambiguity of Justice: New Perspectives on Paul Ricœur’s Approach to Justice (Boston/Leiden: Brill, 2020) (accepted and forthcoming) –, “L’esperienza linguistica del testo e della traduzione. Fondamenti per un’etica interculturale nel pensiero di Paul Ricœur,” in: Maurizio, Pagano and Luca, Ghisleri (eds.), I Fondamenti dell’etica in prospettiva interculturale (Brescia: Morcelliana 2018)
Recenzované články:
Vendra, Maria Cristina Clorinda, “Etica della responsabilità e relazione d’alterità. Hans Jonas e Paul Ricoeur in dialogo,” Prospettiva Persona 100, 1 (2017): 24-27 –, “Between Fragility and Openness: Cohabitation in the Interreligious Dialogue with Paul Ricoeur,” New Perspectives on Dialogue, Teoria, 1 (2016): 115-130 –, “Rencontrer soi-même dans le temps. Une étude sur la conception de l’identité personnelle chez Paul Ricoeur,” In Circolo. Rivista di filosofia e culture 1, 1 (2016): 1-14 –, “Abitare l’Oikos. Per una continuità tra prossimi, soci e posteri: Hans Jonas e Paul Ricoeur in dialogo,” Annuario Filosofico 31, 1 (2015): 311-332 –, “At the Margin of the Gift: Struggle for Recognition and Justice as “Complex Equality” in Paul Ricoeur’s Thought,” Outramargem 2, 1 (2015): 93-112