


The fifth biennial Philosophy at Play conference will be hosted by the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague on the 24th-26th of June 2019.



Like the previous four Philosophy at Play conferences held at the University of Gloucestershire (UK) , the 2019 conference aims at a broad spectrum of scholars, practitioners, and researchers interested in the intersection between philosophy and play. 
This time, the local organizers encourage participants to reflect especially on the connection between play and democracy. 



Tony Fisher, Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, University of London (UK)
Benjamin H. Shepard, City Tech, City University of New York (US)

Local organizers:
 Alice Koubová and Petr Urban, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague.

Scientific Committee:
 Francis Barton, Núria Sara Miras Boronat, Jeffrey Fry, Alice Koubová, Malcolm MacLean, Mechthild Nagel, Maria Øksnes, Beck Pitt, Wendy Russell, Petr Urban.