
Petr Kouba studied philosophy at the Departement of Philosophy and Religious Studies of the Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague, and received PhD at the same department in 2006. During his postgraduate study, he was awarded several fellowships: at the Universität Zurich (2000 - 2001), Duquesne University in Pittsburgh (2001 - 2002), and the Université de Lausanne (2003-2004). After receiving PhD, he lectured at the Anglo-American College in Prague and in the international programm CERGE-EI at the Charles University. Besides being a researcher at the Institute of Philosophy, he lectured philosophy at the Departement of Philosophy and Religious Studies of the Faculty of Arts, Charles Universtity in Prague between 2006 - 2016. He is an author of the books Fenomén duševní poruchy. Perspektivy Heideggerova myšlení v oblasti psychopatologie, which was translated to the English (2015) and German (2012) languages. He published another two monographies: Margins of Phenomenology, and Exodus bez Mojžíše. He also co-edited three collective monographies: Dynamic Structure: Language as Open System, Medicína v kontextu západního myšlení, and Franz Kafka: Minority Report.


Research Interests:

Phenomenology, Post-phenomenology, Philosophy of Enlightenment, Political philosophy, philosophical accounts of psychotherapy


Selected Publications:

Kouba, P. 2016. Margins of Phenomenology. Nordhausen: Verlag Traggot Bautz.

Kouba, P. 2015. The Phenomenon of Mental Disorder. Perspectives of Heidegger's Thought in Psychopathology. Springer: Contributions to Phenomenology.

Kouba, P. 2014. Exodus bez Mojžíše. Romská migrace jako politický problém. Praha: Filosofia. Parva Philosophica 22.

Kouba, P., Pivoda, T. 2011. Franz Kafka: Minority Report. Praha: Filosofická fakulta UK.

Kouba, P. 2011. Gestige Störung als Phänomen. Perspektiven des heideggerschen Denkens auf dem Gebiet der Psychopathologie. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.

Kouba, P. 2006. Fenomén duševní poruchy. Perspektivy Heideggerova myšlení v oblasti psychopatologie. Praha: OIKOYMENH.

Fialová, L., Kouba, P., Špaček, M. (eds.) 2008. Medicína v kontextu západního myšlení. Praha. Galén - Karolinum.

Kouba, P. 2008. Krize jako katastrofická situace. In Československá psychologie. LII/2/2008, s. 186-195.

Fehr, J., Kouba, P. (eds.) 2007. Dynamic structure (Language as an Open System). Praha: Litera Pragensia.

Kouba, P. 2006. Angst und die Desintegration des Selbst. In Kühn, R., Witte, K. H. (eds.) 2006. PSYCHO-LOGIK. Jahrbuch für Psychotherapie, Philosophie und Kultur. Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber, s. 140-160.

Kouba, P. 2003. Čas a věčnost v Topolově Sestře. In Svět literatury. 2003/25, s. 27-54.