Pechar, J., Lacan and Freud. Prague: SLON. 2013.
The book explains the main aspects of Lacan's concept of psychoanalysis and the history of his conflict with the International Psychoanalytic Association. Every part of the interpretation is documented by citations from Lacan's texts (summed up in the collection named Ecrits) or from the text of his published workshops, which is particularly important in our environment because the Czech translation of his work has not yet been published. The author first describes the history of Lacan's conflict with the International Psychoanalytic Association, then discusses individual aspects of his concept of psychoanalysis in individual chapters. It begins with Lacan's conception of the so-called stage of the mirror, the process in which the child is formed by the visual shape of the second human being. This is followed by an explanation of the structuralist concept of psychoanalysis as the effects of the symbolic order understood in connection with the de Saussure’s concept of language. The author also discusses Lacan’s concept of psychosis that relates to the way in which reality is constituted according to Lacan. Separate chapters discuss the role of sexuality and Lacan's interpretation of what Freud described as the death drive. The book is complemented with the epilogue by Martin Petráš.