


Vít Pokorný graduated from philosophy at the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies of the Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague, in 2002. In 2016, he was awarded his PhD at the Department of General Anthropology of the Faculty of Humanities, Charles University in Prague for his research on psychedelic experiences. He is a researcher at the Institute of Philosophy and assistant professor at the Department of Political Sciences and Philosophy of the Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem.
He publishes in philosophy and cognitive anthropology. His theoretical interest include theory of perception and imagination, enactivism, philosophy of media or rhizomatics. He is a member of the Society for Aesthetics of the Czech Academy of Sciences. He was a co-applicant in the research grant Methodological precedence of Intertwinng: theory and application, and currently (2020-2022) in another grant project called Phenomenological investigations of sonic environments. He is an author of a philosophical texbook Postmoderní filosofie, then two monographies Myslet z psychedelických zkušeností: transdisciplinární interpretace and Psychonauticon: transdisciplinary interpretation of psychedelic experiences, and also an editor and co-author of the collective monography Antropologie smyslů.
In his work, he attempts on finding connections between various disciplines - philosophy, anthropology, aesthetics, or ecological thinking in order to formulate a complex transdisciplinary perspective.



Research interest:

philosophy of corporeality, theory of perception, postmodernity, cognitive anthropology, autoetnography, enactivism, transdisciplinarity, psychonautics and the research of altered states, aesthetics, philosophy of media and technology.

Selected publications:

Pokorný, V., Martinec Nováková, L., Horský, J. (eds.) 2019. Antropologie vnímání. Praha: Togga.

Pokorný, V. 2018, Psychonauticon. A Transdisciplinary Interpretation of Psychedelic Experiences. Verlag Traugott Bautz.

Pokorný, V. 2016. Myslet z psychedelických zkušeností. Transdisciplinární interpretace. Červený Kostelec: Pavel Mervart.

Pokorný, V. 2016. Zdařilost, zvládání, teritorium: úvaha k étosu hranice. Československá Psychiatrie. Vol. LX. Supplement 1.

Pokorný, V. 2014. Jak jsme širocí? K pojmu kultury v současné kognitivní antropologii. In Horský, J., Hroníková, L., Stella, M., eds. (2014). Natura et cultura I. Antropologická bádání mezi empirií a interpretací. Praha: Togga, s. 71-86.

Pokorný, V., 2014. Postmoderní filosofie. FF UJEP. Ústí nad Labem.

Pokorný, V. 2013. Biophenomenology of Altered States, in: Adams, C., Waldstein, A., Sessa, B., Luke, D., King, D., (eds.) 2013. Breaking Convention: Essays on Psychedelic Consciousness, London: Strange Attractor Press.

Pokorný, V. 2013. Teorie představivosti v současných kognitivních vědách. In Marek, J., Vrabec, M. et al. 2013. Obrazotvornost v dějinách evroposké filosofie. Praha: TOGGA, s. 365-396.

Pokorný, V. 2011. Tělo jako součást technosféry. Filosofický časopis, 59 (1), 75-90.

Pokorný, V. 2001. Rychlost pohybu, rychlost času. In Cinepur, roč. 10, č. 18