


(*1977) H. Janoušek studied philosophy at Faculty of Arts of the Charles University, namely at the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, and was awarded his Ph.D. in 2015 for the thesis on the originis of Husserl's phenomenology in the contexts of Franz Brentano School (Marty, Twardowski, Meinong, Kraus, Ehrenfels). His research also focuses on empiricist philosophy of David Hume and on rationalist philosophy of Bernard Bolzano. He is interested in bringing thoughts of these authors into the contemporary phenomenological and analytic discourses in order to reveal some of their basic premises and indicate possibilities of their future development. He also makes his research accessible to wider scientific audience in translations and commentaries.

Curriculum Vitae: 




Research Interests:

Phenomenology, Descriptive psychology, Theory of meaning, German idealism, Husserl, Brentano, Marty, Meinong, Kant, Hume.


Selected publications:

Janoušek, H. 2017. Husserl's Early Reception of Bolzano’s Theory of the Proposition in Itself. Horizon, Studies in Phenomenology, vol. 6, n.2, 2017, pp. 100-120.

Janoušek, H. 2017. Katkov’s Critique of Marty’s State of Affairs, in Taieb H., Fréchette, G. (eds.) Mind and Language – On the Philosophy of Anton Marty. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2017, p. 241-259.

Janoušek, H., Rollinger, R. 2017. The Prague School of Brentano. in Kriegel, U. (ed.) 2017. Routledge Handbook of Brentano and the Brentano School. New York: Routledge, pp. 313-323.

Janoušek, H. 2015. Judgmental Force and Assertion in Brentano and Early Husserl. Studia Phenomenologica, vol. XV, 2015, pp. 107-128

Janoušek, H. 2015. Hume, D., Pojednání o lidské přirozenosti. Translation and commentary. Praha: Togga.

Janoušek, H. 2015. Intencionalita a apriorita: studie ke vztahu Brentanovy a Husserlovy filosofie. Praha: Togga.

Janoušek, H., Kolman, V. (eds.) 2013. Syntetické apriori. Praha: Filosofia.

Janoušek, H. 2009. Husserlova teorie částí a celků. In Reflexe, č. 36, s.57-75.

Janoušek, H. 2009. Úvod do filosofie. Publikováno v rámci akreditace oboru jako interní elektronická skripta MÚVS ČVUT. Praha: ČVUT.

Janoušek, H. 2007. Zamyšlení nad Kojevovou interpretací negativity lidské existence. In Kuneš, J.,  Vrabec, M. (eds.) Místo fenomenologie ducha v současném myšlení. Praha: Argo, s. 275 -284.

Janoušek, H. 2007. Patočkova analýza smyslu v třetím kacířském eseji. Kolektiv autorů. 2007. Teze ke Kacířským esejům Jana Patočky. Praha: Centrum pro teoretická studia UK, s.51-58.