15. 04. 2019

Institute of Philosophy,  Academy of Sciences CR

Department of contemporary continental philosophy

Organized by Petr Urban and Burt Hopkins

9:00 - 9.15 Welcome and Coffee  

9:15 - 10:00
Daniele De Santis (Prague)
Lived Body and Transcendental Idealism in Husserl:A Counter-approach
Discussant: Karel Novotný (Prague)

Luciana Priolo (Crete/Fribourg)
From Consciousness of Unity to Unity of Consciousness:
Reconstructing Husserl’s Idea of Temporal Individuation
Discussant: Robin Rollinger (Prague)

Lived Body and Transcendental Idealism in Husserl:
A Counter-approach  

From Consciousness of Unity to Unity of Consciousness: 
Reconstructing Husserl’s Idea of Temporal Individuation (abstract)

Coffee break  

Husserl’s Understanding of Hume (abstract)

Eine Brücke, die trennt:
The Logic of the Tragic and the Aesthetic Paradox in Early Lukács (abstract)
Hynek Janoušek (Prague)
Husserl’s Understanding of Hume
Discussant: ?? Josef Moural (Usti nad Labem)

Salius Jurga (Palermo/Basel)
‘Eine Brücke, die trennt’: 
The Logic of the Tragic and the Aesthetic Paradox in Early Lukács
Discussant: Dan Swain (Prague)

12:30 - 14:00 Lunch

Noam Cohen (Jerusalem)
Community, Language, and Mathematical Objectivity
Discussant: Ladislav Kvasz (Prague)

Gabrielle Baratelli (Turin)
Jacob Klein and the Translation of Natural Language into Symbolic Language 
in Modern Mathematics

Discussant: Burt Hopkins (Prague/Lille)

Community, Language, and Mathematical Objectivity 

Jacob Klein and the Translation of Natural Language into Symbolic Language 
in Modern Mathematics 

15:30-15:45     Coffee break  

Husserl and Plessner – Contemporary Questions of the Human:
Paths from Phenomenology to Philosophical Anthropology 

Jaroslava Vydrová (Bratislava)
Husserl and Plessner – Contemporary Questions of the Human:
Paths from Phenomenology to Philosophical Anthropology
Discussant: Petr Urban (Prague)

16:30-16:45     Coffee break

Tina Röck (Dundee)
Can Phenomenology Provide Us with a Way into Speculative Realism?
Discussant: Hynek Janoušek (Prague)
Can Phenomenology Provide Us with a Way into Speculative Realism?  (abstract)

18:00 Dinner